An Open Inquiry to the Governor of Kyoto | 京都府知事への公開質問状

「English Below」宛先 京都府知事  西脇隆俊殿


一般社団法人Voice Up Japan代表理事の山本和奈と申します。




1. 11月15日、16日:バルセロナのスマートシティーコングレスにおいて、対面で、副知事による、私自身に対する蔑視発言とセクハラ発言があった。(内容は上記URLをご覧ください。)



4. 11月28日、山下氏のメールに対して、問題意識の欠落を指摘したメールを送信。

5. 11月28日、副知事山下氏本人から再び山本和奈宛にメールが届く。

6. 11月29日、副知事山下氏本人から再び山本和奈宛にメールが届く。




  1. 京都府として、府を代表する副知事によるセクシャル・ハラスメント発言に関する事実確認は行いましたか?また、加害側が直接連絡することを容認した理由はなんでしょうか?

  2. 現在、京都府ではセクシャル・ハラスメントや性差別に対する教育をどのようになさっていますか?また、今回の件を受け、セクシャル・ハラスメントや性差別にどうやって府として取り組んで行くお考えでしょうか?

  3. 現在、行政として、知事によるセクシャル・ハラスメントや性差別に対する処分はどのように考えておられますか?

  4. 今後、セクシャル・ハラスメントを含む女性に対する暴力や性差別の撲滅にかけて、どういったアクションをとるおつもりですか?

  5. 府の担当者からはこの案件についてご返答が一切なく、セクシャル・ハラスメント発言を行った副知事山下氏本人が、被害を訴えている山本に何度も直接メールしていることは、被害者に対し、更なる精神的ダメージを与える行為です。副知事山下氏本人から直接のご連絡はお控えください。京都府はこの点を山下氏本人にどうお伝えになりますか?


一般社団法人 Voice Up Japan



代表理事 山本和奈

email :

To: Governor of Kyoto, Takatoshi Nishiwaki.

My name is Kazuna Yamamoto, Founder and President of Voice Up Japan.
On November 25th, to the general contact address of the Kyoto Prefecture ( I have sent an email regarding the misogynistic and sexist remarks made by the vice governor of Kyoto during the smart city congress in Barcelona. The open letter can be found in my previous blog post, or via this link.

As a result, I received an email directly from vice-governor Yamashita stating that he wanted to have a talk to me, personally, Nevertheless I have received no emails from Kyoto Prefecture. Therefore I am writing this email and open inquiry and to be able to officially receive a response from Kyoto prefecture.

In the following, I have written the remarks that I have received, and have put a time line of the interactions and responses I have received.

1. November 15th and 16th, at the Smart City Congress / Tomorrow Mobility Conference in Barcelona, I received some misogynistic and sexist remarks which are stated in the link that I have attached before.

2. November 25th: I sent my open letter to the Kyoto prefecture and have shared the same open letter via twitter, instagram, facebook and linkedin. No official response have been given by Kyoto.

3. November 26th: I received a direct email from vice governor Yamashita stating that he wanted to have a conversation. The email contained remarks such as “I think I said what I said because within the governmental agency, there are people that think I am “cluster of sexual harassment” and we talk about that with my peers”.
4. November 28th: Kazuna responded pointing out the lack of awareness to the email received by vice-governor Yamashita.
5. November 28th, another direct email was sent by vice-governor Yamashita.
6. November 29th, another direct email was sent by vice-governor Yamashita.

First of all, I find it problematic that Kyoto Prefecture, as a governmental agency allowed vice-governor Yamashita, in this situation the perpetuator to directly contact me without a third party present. This shows that Kyoto Prefecture also has a lack of awareness of the situation which is very problematic.

Secondly, the initial remark of “being a cluster of sexual harassment” was a response to my question regarding activities surrounding gender equality within Kyoto Prefecture. This shows that this is no longer a “personal issue” but an issue of the organization itself- especially since vice-governor Yamashita is in charge of the gender equality initiatives within Kyoto Prefecture. This shows the lack of awareness regarding sexual harassment, sexual violence, gender-based discrimination of both the vice-governor him self but Kyoto Prefecture as an agency.

Therefore, I have prepared a series of questions that I hope to get an answer to by the gtovernment.

1. As Kyoto Prefecture, did you confront vice-governor Yamashita after receiving my email? What was the reason of allowing vice-governor Yamashita to directly contact myself without a third-party agent?

2. How are you currently educating yourselves regarding sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination? What will you do differently from now, or what actions will you take to combat sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination from now on?

3. What kind of consequences are you thinking of for this incident?

4. Are you planning to take action or organize initiatives to abolish different forms of gender based violence including sexual harassment and discrimination?

5. Up to this moment, there has been no response from the prefecture, but there have been several emails (3 to be exact) addressed by vice governor Yamashita directly to me. This should not happen, and as someone that has gone through such remarks, I ask to not be directly be contacted by vice governor Yamashita. How will you mention this to him?

I look forward to your response.

Kazuna Yamamoto
December 1st, 2022
Founder & President of Voice Up Japan


An open letter to the misogynistic comments made by Kyoto’s vice governor at the Tomorrow Mobility Conference